

   Amazarashi is a band from Japan.The Lead Vocal is HiromuAkida.
   The style of songs they produced is a few depressed but give power to people for living.
   You might have listened the song named "僕が死のうと思ったのは",yes,MikaNajima also had sang it.
   That song was wrote by HiromuAkida.
   If you have disappointed of live,these songs mayve give you power to stand again.

   link to the main page

    my favorite music of Amazarashi -

Amazarashi - 僕が死のうと思ったのは

Amazarashi - 季節は次々死んでいく

Amazarashi - 虚無病

Amazarashi - 風に流離い

Amazarashi - さよならごっこ

Amazarashi - 空っぽの空に潰される

Their songs reflect the real live,maybe everything you felt so badly,something
   made you got madness,crash,or crying,but we shouldnt give up,for the peole
   around us,also for ourselves.